Información adicional

Información adicional

SKU 9781954149489
Editorial E625
Peso 950 gr.


Practical help and advice for those in or about to enter college. The university stage is a unique moment, full of challenges and new experiences to which it is necessary to know how to adapt. In this book, Dr. Lucas Leys offers help and practical advice to those who are in college or about to enter it In this book, Dr. Lucas Leys shares a lot of precise secrets and sensational ideas that will help you overcome college with bonus points (and will also serve parents and leaders on how to support their students).
ISBN: 9781954149489
Survival Guide for College Students

Precio regular: $9.99 

Special Price $8.49 

Practical help and advice for those in or about to enter college.

The university stage is a unique moment, full of challenges and new experiences to which it is necessary to know how to adapt. In this book, Dr. Lucas Leys offers help and practical advice to those who are in college or about to enter it

In this book, Dr. Lucas Leys shares a lot of precise secrets and sensational ideas that will help you overcome college with bonus points (and will also serve parents and leaders on how to support their students).