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Información adicional

SKU 9780789924698
Editorial Unilit


Cómo ganarse el público e influir en los demás? Escrito por una cantante de ópera convertida en directora ejecutiva, operadora y entrenadora de comunicación empresarial, el libro revela los misterios de la atención en cualquier entorno, ya sea profesional o personal. Habla con el impacto es como tener una sección individual con un instructor personal para hablar en público. El consejo práctico de Allison Shapira y los conocimientos bien impartidos se recogen en cada página y les brindarán a los oradores principiantes la confianza y una voz más fuerte hacia los veteranos experimentados.

//Your voice matters, especially as a leader. Every day, you have an opportunity to use your voice to have a positive impact - at work or in your community. You can inspire and persuade your audience - or you can distract and put them to sleep. Nervous, rambling robotic - these presentation styles can ruin a talk on even the most critical topics. And with each weak performance, career prospects dim. To get ahead and make an impact, you need to deliver well-crafted messages with confidence and authenticity. You must sound as capable as you are. Public speaking is a skill, not a talent. With the right guidance, anyone can be a powerful speaker. Learn to conquer fear, capture attention, motivate action, and take charge of your career with Speak with Impact. Written and narrated by opera singer turned CEO, speaker, and executive communication coach Allison Shapiro, this audiobook unravels the mysteries of commanding attention in any setting, professional or personal. Whether it's speaking up at a meeting, presenting to clients, or talking to large groups

ISBN: 9780789924698
Habla con impacto
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Cómo ganarse el público e influir en los demás? Escrito por una cantante de ópera convertida en directora ejecutiva, operadora y entrenadora de comunicación empresarial, el libro revela los misterios de la atención en cualquier entorno, ya sea profesional o personal. Habla con el impacto es como tener una sección individual con un instructor personal para hablar en público. El consejo práctico de Allison Shapira y los conocimientos bien impartidos se recogen en cada página y les brindarán a los oradores principiantes la confianza y una voz más fuerte hacia los veteranos experimentados.

//Your voice matters, especially as a leader. Every day, you have an opportunity to use your voice to have a positive impact - at work or in your community. You can inspire and persuade your audience - or you can distract and put them to sleep. Nervous, rambling robotic - these presentation styles can ruin a talk on even the most critical topics. And with each weak performance, career prospects dim. To get ahead and make an impact, you need to deliver well-crafted messages with confidence and authenticity. You must sound as capable as you are. Public speaking is a skill, not a talent. With the right guidance, anyone can be a powerful speaker. Learn to conquer fear, capture attention, motivate action, and take charge of your career with Speak with Impact. Written and narrated by opera singer turned CEO, speaker, and executive communication coach Allison Shapiro, this audiobook unravels the mysteries of commanding attention in any setting, professional or personal. Whether it's speaking up at a meeting, presenting to clients, or talking to large groups